Multivision Media Group, the leading marketing company in Minnesota, launched a voting awareness campaign called “We Count. We Vote. We Define Ourselves.” that urges Latino US residents to become citizens if they are eligible and for those who haven’t registered to vote to do so in a timely manner. Furthermore, the campaign asks for the community to actively participate and get involved in voting registration campaigns and get-out- the-vote initiatives.
According to the Pew Research Center, Minnesota is home to 276,000 Latinos of which 96,000 are eligible voters. By contrast, 79% percent of the state’s white population is eligible to vote. Minnesota is HOME to one of the largest Latino-Millennial (ages 18-33) voting blocks in the nation with 48% of the total eligible Latino voting population. Historically, young Latinos have been the catalyst force of change for the entire population, their involvement in the 2018 election process should be of significant weight, thus the urgency to awake their enthusiasm and activate their participation.
If you have general questions about voting registration and voting engagement, please visit:
The decline in college enrollment seems to be accelerating, though it was the steepest in the Midwest. According to experts, enrollment typically falls when the economy improves and unemployment drops. Despite a slow economic recovery and how predictable enrollment drops from an economic perspective, colleges still have to fill out classrooms to deal with increased costs or state support. Two- year colleges have seen the greatest decline; while four-year private colleges actually saw their enrollments slightly grow. What are private colleges doing differently to increase enrollment? Why aren’t most public universities and community colleges doing enough to reach out to Hispanics? After all, Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic group and due to economic and geographic reasons, Hispanics tend to choose community and technical colleges as their first choice. Read more →