Hispanics in Social Media

Hispanics are the most active group on social media sites according to new Pew Report, reinforcing the importance of this demographic group to the future of online advertising and applications. According to a new analysis by the Pew Research Center, Hispanics own smart phones, go online from mobiles devices and use social networking sites at similar and sometimes higher rates than other demographic groups. The percentage of Hispanics who occasionally go online increased from 64% in 2009 to 78% in 2012, a diminished online gap of 10% in comparison to its white counterparts. How do Hispanics connect online and access social networks?

  • Cell phone ownership: Fully 86% of Hispanics say they own a cell phone, a share similar to that of whites (84%).
  • Smartphone Ownership: Among adults, Hispanics as just as likely as whites to own a smartphone-49% versus 46%.
  • Mobile Device Internet Access: Hispanic internet users are more likely than white internet users to say they go online using a mobile device-76% versus 60%.
  • Social Networking: Among internet users, similar shares of Hispanics (68% and whites (66%) say they use social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook at least occasionally.

Allow us to guide you to the right Social Media strategy. Multivision Media Group will provide you the proper online-community engagement to your brand and services.

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